Standard Routes


POST /gossip/v1/cases

This endpoint notifies the server of a new case

Request Body:

guildsnowflakeGuild ID where the case took place.
usersnowflakeUser ID where the action was taken.
actionersnowflakeUser ID that created the case. Might be bot ID if it was automated.
actioncase_actionType of action taken.
durationlong.Milliseconds for duration. 0 if permanent
reasonstring.Reason for action, might be empty

Where case_action is one of (BAN, KICK, MUTE, WARN, UNMUTE, UNBAN, NOTE)

Example Body:

 2  "data":{
 3    "guild":810932869862129664,
 4    "user": 297045071457681409,
 5    "actioner": 427045071457681409,
 6    "action": "BAN",
 7    "duration": 3600,
 8    "reason": "Spamming all channels with rickrolls"
 9  }

GET /gossip/v1/cases

This endpoint gets all cases you have access to, with optional filters and pagination

Request Body:

usersnowflakeFilter for a specific user.
guildsnowflakeFilter for a specific guild.
actionersnowflakeFilter for a specific actioner.
page_sizeintMax page size, implementors can set their own max
pageintPage to return, starts on 1

None, one or multiple filters can be set

Example request:


Example return:

 2  "page_size": 200,
 3  "current_page": 1,
 4  "total_pages": 20
 5  "data": [
 6    {
 7      "guild":810932869862129664,
 8      "user": 297045071457681409,
 9      "actioner": 427045071457681409,
10      "action": "BAN",
11      "duration": 3600,
12      "reason": "Spamming all channels with rickrolls"
13    }
14  ]